 Description : KRANTI 4G (CARTAP HYDROCHLORIDE 4% GR ) is a broad spectrum,systemic insecticide with contact and stomach action. Insects discontinue feeding,and dies due to starvation.It is used to control of chewing and sucking insects at almost all the stages of development, on many crops including rice, potatos,cabbage, and other vegetables, soyabeens, peanuts, sunflowers, maize sugarbeets,wheat,pearl barley, pomefruits, stonefruits,citrus fruits,vines, chestnuts, ginger,tea,cotton, and sugarcane. It is to be used in accordance with climatic condition and approval of local authorities.
CAS Registry No. : 15263-52-2
Emperical Formula : C7H16ClN3O2S2
Molecular Weight : 273.8
Cartap hydrochloride Tech.( Based on 98%w/w a.i.) 4.1%w/w
Adjuvants 8.0%w/w
Sand 87.9%w/w
Total 100.0%w/w Formulations :
Recommended Doses : 18.75 Kgs to 25.00 Kgs ml of formulation or as being recommended.
Targeted Pests :It is used to control of chewing and sucking insects at almost all the stages of development.
Targeted Crops :It is used on many crops including rice, potatos, cabbage, and other vegetables, soyabeens, peanuts, sunflowers, maize sugarbeets ,wheat, pearl barley, pome fruits, stonefruits, citrus fruits, vines, chestnuts, ginger, tea, cotton, and sugarcane
Application :As and When required
Shelf-life : 2 years from the date of Manufacturing
Packing: KRANTI G (CARTAP HYDROCHLORIDE 4% GR ) is available from 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1Ltre 5ltre and bulk as per the requirement of customers.
Delivery Time 30-45 daysProduct
MSDS : View
Label : View
Structural Formula :