Description : STARK 25 (CYPERMETHRIN 25%EC) is a NonSystemic,contact and stomach emulsifiable concentrate formulation based on Cypermethrin Techenical 25%w/w EC and controls Bollworms, borers,and Diamond Black Moth etc of various crops like,Cotton, Wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane,Vegetables,coffee, cocca ,Paddy etc in accordance with climatic conditionsand approval of local authorities.
Chemical Name: CYPERMETHRIN 25% EC
CAS Registry No. : 52315-07-08
Emperical Formula : C22H19CL2NO3
Molecular Weight : 416.3
Cypermethrin Tech.(based on92%w/w a.i.) 27.00%w/w
Emulsifiers 10.00%w/w
Solvents 63.00%w/w
Total 100.00%w/w Formulations :
Recommended Doses : 80 -280ml of formulations in dilution with 200-500 lter water as being recomonded .
Targeted Pests :Bollworms, borers, and Diamond Black Moth
Targeted Crops :Cotton, Wheat, oilseeds, sugarcane, Vegetables, coffee, cocca ,Paddy
Application :As and when required
Shelf-life : 2 years
Packing: STARK 25 (CYPERMETHRIN 25%EC) is available from 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltre,5ltre,BULK as per the requirement of customers.
Delivery Time 30-45 days
MSDS : View
Label : View
Structural Formula :