> Pesticides / Insecticides / SPINE 505

Description : SPINE 505(CHLORPYRIFOS 50%+CYPERMETHRIN 5%EC) is an insecticide that cures pinkboll worms, spotted boll worms, American boll worms & sucking insects like Aphids, Jassid, thrips, whiteflies on various crops viz cotton, ornamentals, citrus, Pear, Apple, Peach, Apricoat, Grapes etc. It should be used in accordance with climatic conditions and approval of local authorities.

Chemical Name: Chlorpyrifos 50% + Cypermethrin 5% EC

CAS Registry No. : 2921-88-2 2,52315-07-8

Emperical Formula : C9H11CI3NO3PS+C22H19CL2NO3

Molecular Weight : 350.6+416.3

Specifications :


Chlorpyrifos a.i.(Min.Purity94%)      50.0%m/m
Cypermethrin a.i.(Min Purity 92%)   05.0%m/m
Emulsifiers A                                 05.6%m/m
Emulsifiers B                                 02.4%m/m
Aromatic hydrocarbon                     37.0%m/m
Total                                           100.00%m/m

Formulations :  Emulsifiable Concentrate (EC) Combination Pesticide

Recommended Doses :

1 ltre of formulation in dilution with 500-1000Ltrs water or as being recommended.

Targeted Pests :Pink bollworms, Spotted bollworms, American bollworms & Sucking insects like Aphids, Jassid, Thrips, Whiteflies

Targeted Crops :Cotton, Ornamentals, Citrus, Pear, Apple, Peach, Apricoat, Grapes etc.

Application :As and when required

Shelf-life : 2 Years from the date of Manufacturing


SPINE 505 (CHLORPYRIFOS 50% + CYPERMETHRIN 5% EC) is available from 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1ltre, 5ltre to bulk packaging as per the customers requirements

MSDS : View

Label : View

Structural Formula :