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Product Name: L-DRINT-20 TC |
Description: L-DRINT-20% TC ( CHLORPYRIFOS-20% TC ) is a cost effective insecticide working as contact,stomach and fumigants .It is also having longer residual & broad spectrum cont... Target Pests: TERMITES Target Crops: Wooden Pennels,Soil, Tea gardens,Spices,sugercanes and Perinial crops ete Application : As and when required |
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Product Name: LDRINT 50 |
Description: LDRINT 50 (CHLORPYRIFOS-50% EC) is a cost effective contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate used as an Insecticides against Termites in buildings under construc... Target Pests: TERMITE Target Crops: It is a cost effective contact and stomach poisonous emulsifiable concentrate used as an Insecticides against Termites in buildings under construction and after construction Application : During Construction: Prepare 0.5% a.i. solution with water and apply on Bottom, Sides, Filling earths, on entire leveled surface and all columns and plinth beams and RCC structure. |
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Product Name: DAWN 7000 |
Description: DAWN 7000 (IMIDACLOPRID 70% WG)is a systemic Insecticide which contains 70%w/w IMIDACLORPID as active ingradient used as foilar spray for the control of sucking insects, inclu... Target Pests: sucking insects, including Leaf/Plant hoppers, aphids, Thrips and White flies. It is also effective against soil insects, termites & some species of biting insects.. It is an excellent cost-effective crop protection insecticide which can be used in both preventative and curative control strategies as well as in Integrated Pest Management. Target Crops: Rice, Cotton, Cereals, Maize, Sugarbeats, Potatoes, Vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Pome Fruits and Stone Fruits etc. Application : As and when required |
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Product Name: DAWN 7000 WS |
Description: DAWN 7000 WS (IMIDACLOPRID 70% WS)is a systemic Insecticide which contains 70%w/w IMIDACLORPID as active ingradient used as seed treatment for the control of sucking insects, ... Target Pests: sucking insects, including Leaf/Plant hoppers, aphids, Thrips and White flies. It is also effective against soil insects, termites & some species of biting insects. Target Crops: Rice, Cotton, Cereals, Maize, Sugarbeats, Potatoes, Vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Pome Fruits and Stone Fruits, , Okra, Chilies and Sugarcane etc Application : Seed treatment ,before sowing |
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Product Name: DAWN FS |
Description: DAWN FS (IMIDACLOPRID 48%% FS)is a systemic Insecticide which contains 48%w/w IMIDACLORPID as active ingredient used as seed treatment for the control of sucking insects, incl... Target Pests: sucking insects, including Leaf/Plant hoppers, aphids, Thrips and White flies. It is also effective against soil insects, termites & some species of biting insects. Target Crops: Rice, Cotton, Cereals, Maize, Sugarbeats, Potatoes, Vegetables, Citrus Fruits, Pome Fruits and Stone Fruits, , Okra, Chilies and Sugarcane Application : |
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Product Name: BLUNT |
Description: BLUNT (BUPROFEZIN 25% SC)is a broad spectrum insecticide of Thiadiazine group, which acts by controlling the growth rate of insect. It controls sucking insects in paddy fields... Target Pests: Brown Plant Hopper, Green Plant Hopper, White backed plant hopper, Other hoppers etc. Target Crops: cotton Paddy Fields, timber, cereals, oilseeds, top fruits, vegetables, Tea, oilseeds and other crops Application : As and when required |
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Product Name: SRIZOLE |
Description: SRIZOLE (PROPINONAZOL 25% EC ) is a broad spectrum fungicide based on Conazole fungicide with systemic activity. It has excellent controls on Karnal Bunt & Rusts of ... Target Pests: Karnal Bunt & Rusts of Wheat, Leaf spots & Rust of Groundnut, Sheath blight on Rice, Blister Blight of Tea and Rust of Soybean Target Crops: Wheat, Paddy, Tea, Soybean, Groundnut Application : As and when required |
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Product Name: TOWER |
Description: TOWER( Glyphosate Ammonium Salt 71% SG) is a non-selective post emergence herbicides for control of annual, perennial, broad leaves and grassy weeds & generally used in... Target Pests: This Chemical is most effective to control following grasses-Acalypha indica, Sida aculata, Ipomea digitara, Ageratum conyzodes, Cynodon dactylon, Digitaria sanguinalis, Polygonum perfoliatum, Kalm grass, Eragrostis spp., Paspalum scorbiculatum etc. Target Crops: TEA Plantation in India, and non cultivated fields Application : As per usage and when required |
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Zaad Behanbeling |
Product Name: SAS – 101 : ANKUR |
Description: Seed are the first basic input in the crop. The health of the seed, its rate of germination and its possibilities to fight against the diseases is the deciding factor for the quality and quantity of t... Target Pests: Not applicable Target Crops: It is usefull for all crops with better germination and free from any diseases in the upcomming plant. Application : |
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Wortel Schieten |
Product Name: SAS – 102 : ROOT – O – MAX |
Description: ... Target Pests: Not Applicable Target Crops: It is usefull for all crops for better development of roots. Application : Before seed sowing and before transplantation of the crop. |
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Oogst Bescherming |
Product Name: SAS – 103 : VIROGOLD |
Description: This is a blend of some organic material for plant tissues to provide them strength. This is a Anti-Virus, Anti-Bacterial product, which also ensures the maximum growth in all the parts of the plant. ... Target Pests: As preventive measure for Virus, Fungus and Bactarial diseases in crops Target Crops: Usefull for All crops Application : As falier spray for preventive measure against diseases and with seed treatment for health |
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Blad Babehanbling |
Product Name: SAS – 104 : QUICK |
Description: This is a blend of some organic material for enhancing the photosynthesis of the plant. This is a Foliar Spray product, which also ensures the availability of essential minerals and Chlorophyll in ... Target Pests: Not applicable Target Crops: The products under this series are good for all crops
Application : It is used as Folier Spray for Quality Yield |
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